Trish Hart spoke about the importance of integrative wellness:  yoga, breath work, stress management and mind/body wellness.  She practices at MGH, Benson Henry Institute, Center for Integrative Wellness (Hingham), and various yoga centers.
Trish spoke about the importance of self-care and "putting your mask on first."  Integrative medicine is now becoming more common and is now part of medical school educational curriculums nationwide.  Trish spoke about breath work, sleep and mind/body connections - all science-based.  She gave example of sensory perceptions and introduced aromatherapy via essential oils.  Trish discussed techniques for managing stress and maintaining balance through breath and your body's critical Vagus Nerve
Highlighted the importance of morning inventory - knowing the physical, emotional and nutritional inventory as you begin the day.  Commit to replenishing one or more areas of depletion each day.  Meditation - deep breathing for sleep: the importance of laughter - eating greens/ journaling / ways to stop overthinking/ 
All of Trish's techniques - and information about her multi-faceted integrative wellness work - can be learned at